We would not be able to do this without your generous support. You help us by becoming members of LVFC, you help us by following us on social media and attending our events, and you help us by providing financial support.
Financial support from our community is important and enables us to purchase needed tools and protective equipment, uniforms for our members, and upkeep of our apparatuses in addition to other operational expenses.
Donate to The leesburg volunteer fire company
Direct mailing address:
Leesburg Volunteer Fire Company
P.O. Box 2577
Leesburg, VA 20177
(Make checks payable to Leesburg Volunteer Fire Company)
The Leesburg Volunteer Fire Company is a non-profit 501c(3) organization so all of your donation is tax deductible.
Every evening, members of the Leesburg Volunteer Fire Company arrive at Station 20 to staff an engine and a truck from 1800 to 0600 the next morning.
Our members sacrifice time away from family in order to keep the rigs in service 7 nights a week/365 nights a year including holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. We are thankful to be given the opportunity to faithfully serve our community knowing that we play an important role in times of hardship and need.